Hayo Haya

The journal Hayo Haya, is a unique project dedicated to the discipline of history in Israel that is written, edited, produced and promoted entirely by students. The journal publishes papers on topics of history written by students from universities all over the country. All the published papers, which began as outstanding university assignments in various fields of history, after their acceptance for publication, undergo rigorous editing and reworking into high-level research papers. Intended for the broad public, the journal seeks to contribute to the advancement of historical research in Hebrew while offering a platform for beginning scholars in the various fields of historical research.

Inspired by the Hebrew University’s Institute for History, the Journal aims to encourage multidisciplinary writing and cross pollination between students from all the historical research fields and academic institutions. This goal is reflected both in the journal’s editorial board, which is comprised of students from the various departments, and in the range of topics covered in the published papers.

Publication is funded by the Dan Meishar Foundation, initiated by Nathan Fisher, in memory of his oldest grandchild, and is supported by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Institute of History. Beginning 2020, Hayo Haya is also sponsored by the Historical Society of Israel.

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