BeLashon Avar

The book series, Beleshon avar, initiated by the Historical Society of Israel, aims to bring the Hebrew reader a selection of the best historical research in general history written and published by Israeli scholars in a variety of languages. The series editors select important research first published in other languages for publication in Hebrew, making it accessible to the Hebrew reader. The series deals with a range of different subjects and regions. The series is published by the Historical Society and Magnes Press, with the generous support of the Am ve’olam Foundation, in Memory of Shlomo and Bella Bartal for the Advancement of Historical Research in Israel.

Books published in the series to date:

Ami Ayalon – The Arabic Print Revolution, 2018 (originally published by Cambridge University Press, 2016)

Esther Cohen – The Modulated Scream: Pain in the Late Medieval Culture, 2019.

Additional books are expected to be published yearly.