Prof. Avri Bar-Levav

Prof. Avriel Bar-Levav of the Open University of Israel is head of Judaic Studies at the department of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies, and head of the Center for the Study of Relationships between Jews, Christians, Muslims. He is co-editor of Zutot: Perspecives on Jewish Culture (Brill). He has published on Jewish intellectual history in the early modern period, Jewish attitudes towards death, history of the Jewish book, magic, and egodocuments. Among the books he co-edited:  The Path of the Book: Tribute to Ze'ev Gries (Carmel, 2021); Studies in Contemporary Jewry, vol. 31 (2020): Textual Transmission in Modern Jewish Culture; Paths to Modernity: A Tribute to Yosef Kaplan (Zalman Sahzar Center, 2018); Death in Jewish Life: Burial and Mourning Customs among Jews of Europe and Nearby Communities (De Gruyter, 2014).

He is the recipient of the 2020 Am Ve-Olam prize for an outstanding paper in history, for his paper "Textual Intimacy and the Bond of Reading between The Expulsion from Spain and Amsterdam".