Prof. Shmuel Feiner

Prof. Shmuel Feiner is Professor of Modern Jewish History at Bar Ilan University, Chairman of the Historical Society of Israel, and historian of European Jewry in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (especially the Jewish Enlightenment, and the trends of secularization and counter-modernity). Recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award, 2012. Author of Haskalah and History; The Emergence of a Modern Jewish Historical Consciousness (Hebrew 1995; English, 2002); The Jewish Enlightenment (Hebrew, 2002; English, 2004); Moses Mendelssohn (Hebrew, 2005; German, 2009; English, 2010; Chinese, 2014); The Origins of Jewish Secularization in Eighteenth Century Europe (Hebrew, 2010; English, 2011); The Jewish Eighteenth-Century, A European Biography, 1700–1750 (Hebrew, 2017; English [forthcoming 2020]); The Jewish Eighteenth-Century, A European Biography, 1750–1800 (University of Indiana Press 2020).